The blog promised

Bali Trip

Vokinloksar33 August 31, 2018 #personal #travel #experience #culture #ongoing

I'm goint surfing in Bali Island this October, this is the archive.


关于旅行/文化的东西我并没有亲自经历很多。 记录的方式也没有尝试过, 旅行既包含了我对其他经济/文化/政治的见识与理解,也会产生让我自身成长/反思的经验。既有感官的体验,也有精神的丰富。还在思索应该以日记的方式来写还是以观点的方式来写这篇文章。目前会结合已有的方式去记载我再Bali Island/Jakarta 的经历。

btw, 我们完全错过了去jakarta的飞机,所以只能重新买机票。


可能经济不好的地方都会有这样的问题吧? 印尼的交通真的很差, 经常是一条单车道宽度的路上对头开着各种货车还有机车, 上下坡/山路很多,而且没有红绿灯。道路的畅通完全靠的是人民的智慧和这种_无序的秩序_, 在这种没有任何为机车考量的车道上往往同时穿梭了无数的摩托车, 这几天的行程最让我胆战心惊的部分就是开机车这一段了, 每次都要擦着人行道边和旁边的货车在夹缝中前行, 还好最后完整的回来了,不过我任何时候都不会想重新经历这样的事情。

黑车, 黑车在10年前中国的部分城市有很显著的存在,现在在印尼也是一样的,尤其bali岛又多是有钱的游客, 经常动不动就是好几倍的车费,其实换算到国内也没有很贵, 但是对于当地的物价显然就是一种敲诈的行为。 一定要提前下好uber或者grab, 我们这次用的grab体验很棒,一是grab car大都是非常宽敞的日产7座车,体验远胜于当地狭小的小轿车,另外grab非常便宜,in any way, 而且大多数司机又都很nice, 所以能打到grab的地方实在是没有理由不坐。


Bali岛是一个很多文化混合的地方,可以吃到各地的食物。 虽然想尝试很多的东西,但是预算和时间都有限所以去的地方很少。不过大多数吃得都还蛮好吃。我已经不记得吃过什么菜了,不过好吃的店应该随便点都ok。 推荐Fat Chou

下次应该还是会尝试一些别的东西, 另外当地的水果也要试一试

- [Fat Chou]( 是一家中国人开得店, 但是风格很混杂,东西味道很不错,不过可能要排队一会。

- [Warung Sunset]( 味道也很不错, 室外的环境很好。

- [Akua]( Spanish cuisine, 


目前其实只有四次冲浪, 另外在youtube看了一些视频加上在uluwatu(bali)当地亲眼看到的比较厉害的pro去冲那种可以卷起来的浪。这个运动用相机基本不能拍摄出真实的体验的, 当你真正暴露在烈日沙滩和无尽海浪的包围之中的时候你才能体会到这个冲浪所带来的直面自然与直面自己的坦荡与自由。

bali冲浪的体验真的很棒, 清澈的海水, 海水下面是海绵一样细密的沙滩,而且坡度很缓慢所以可以走出很远还是可以站在海里,对于没有力气paddle的人可能会比较好(但是最好还是paddle),海浪也比较稳定, 不用担心冲不起来或者没有绿浪, 而且只有在这样的地方, 才会每天都有一群surfers和你一起冲浪,一起成长。 每天冲浪之后走到沙滩上回头望去都会想着第二天一定还要来,有一种如获珍宝的感觉。It just feels good. 我知道有些人可能并不是以冲浪为目的, 但是对我来讲这趟旅程因为有这海浪让我的身心都获得了洗涤。当你划到海浪的深处,面对着海岸对面的夕阳和撒下的光芒反映在海面的微波上,聆听着身后浪花的声音,拥有的是无尽的自由与孤独。

basics 我觉得基本要掌握的内容包括

  1. 安全basics, 很多教练不会教因为会觉得浪费时间, 但是没有安全常识确实是很容易给自己/他人带来伤害
  2. 如何stand up, 这个是大多数起步的课程,不过很多时候教练也不会很详细的说, 有的时候虽然站起来了但其实并没有掌握要领
  3. 如何do it yourself, 教练能帮你的除了知识外就是在浪来的时候给你一些速度, 很快就可以告别了教练, 然后就是如何自己带着板勇敢的到海洋中去寻找冲浪的快乐。

之前去台湾的时候有在垦丁尝试过, 我了解教练教的内容都不一样, 有的会着重安全的内容, 有的着重如何在板上稳定站起来, 又比如这次我们的教练基本是直接带我们去海里然后一直paddle到绿浪(浪刚刚形成规模的时候)大概距离岸边50米以上然后就直接让我们在那边试。但是这种其实效果不好, 我们根本就不知道哪里做对或做错。

具体的内容我就不细说了, youtube上有很多很好的内容, 另外就是到了海里自己体会,另外(尤其是bali那种会有一大群冲浪的人)大家可能也会互相教你,很重要的一点就是要准备好迎难而上的精神,it will be hard but it will be worth it.


总共6天在bali每隔一天就跑到海边所以总共冲了三次, 前两次教练带着,后来不甘心又自己去了一次。 其实是挺累的, 尤其中途也没有怎么休息。 冲浪并不是一个休闲的运动, 在你掌握技巧之前可能会无数次被海浪掀翻在海里。 如果认真的想要去体验这个活动, 我觉得最好的方式还是在有长期在海边的时候再练习, 否则可能真的没有体力一直冲浪。 我自己第三天冲浪之前在去冲浪俱乐部的路上也已经有些畏缩,在grab车里面就已经两股站站了。 人在自然面前果然是脆弱的, 好在第三天下午去冲浪没有太阳加上之前掌握了一些技巧所以其实整体感觉还蛮好的。不过显然不是所有情况都是这样。回来之后我和朋友们也都觉得平时锻炼真的很重要


海洋拥有所有对于渴望自由与广袤天地的灵魂所需要的东西,当我想到冲浪的时候我想到的是无边的自由以及和海洋的无限接近, 似乎感觉自己可以战胜海洋成为_"The owner of the wave"_, 感觉体会到自然的力量之后对很对从前很在乎的事情都看开很多, 比如 之前一段时间一直作息很差暴饮暴食,现在突然感觉关于不再那么担忧于三餐作息的好坏或者是一些发生在自己身上的其实微不足道的一些曾经过于敏感的事情。感觉整个人变得莫名的充满力量。另外冲浪其实是很健康的运动,全身心的锻炼。


我们这次去住bali住的全都是独栋的villa,体验很好。 由于物价的原因当地的villa的性价比非常高,风景很棒,而且服务也很周到。不过尽量提早一个月订,否则还是很容易就被订掉了



Airbnb Review

Review: kuta classic house

The house is near the beach(20mins' walk to kuta), with a sunny little garden, the rooms are nice and 'classic' with basically everything you need. The host is very kind and you can buy all the you need around, people are nice around, the host is very kind and helped us a lot. The house is a little bit hard to find, no name on the door, but the directions the host give is detailed enough. If you're gonna stay in kuta, this place a really good choice, and very affordable!

Review: Bali Harmony Villas

We love the place, fantastic view with 'ocean of rice' and sunshine, we watched a beautiful sunset in the pool and it feels great. The room service is the best I've ever had, everyone are so nice. You can ask them for anything you need, traffic/massage/food etc. Breakfast taste delicious as well. You can just feel the nature inside you house, it's wonderful experience. The host is very nice, he gave us everything we need to know in great detials, and we had a perfect 2 day stay here. The position is quite near center Ubud as well, noted that taxi there charge a lot and people there don't like Grab so better ask the host for bikes tho.

Review: Luxury Sunset Villas

Sorry, sorry, sorry again for not checking my Airbnb messages and let Andy wait for hours for us to check-in. Andy showed us around, the service couldn't be better! This villa is the most luxury villa I've experienced so far, the facilities feels high class, I should have booked for 2 days instead of one. The bed is extremely comfortable after such a long trip of surfing and trekking, we recovered a lot. The place is near Jimbaran bay and our girls enjoyed a great sunset there. The only thing is there's not many marts around so you have to prepare a little if you would party or else, but the house is perfect for stay!




从深圳去香港的路上因为堵车的缘故完全没有车做,即时用1500打车到香港机场也已经完全错过了飞机,只能在匆忙中在改签/退票/补位中做选择,庆幸还有最后一班10.1-10.8 的飞机可以做,所以一起决定退票重新买票,下午起飞。 之前在国内坐飞机一直都只在同一个航站楼起落, 但是jakarta和bali都不只有一个航站楼。 到达Jakarta的飞机已经是晚上九点多,很无奈的发现最晚去bali的飞机其实也只有一个小时的间隔, 而且在不同的航站楼, 所以只能在jakarta住一晚第二天早上去bali。

Trip planning

We have four people with a spanish 23-year-old boy join me for the trip from Couchsurfing, so there should be 5.

I decide to use hackmd for collaborative editing with markdown format for the schedule of this trip.

Check it here:


Bali trip


  • flight & hotel (4808 each )
    • CNY 11196 flight @bridget
    • CNY 1520.76 kuta @bridget
    • CNY 2137.84 ubud hotel @bridget
    • CNY 1204 jkt => bali @bridget
    • CNY 1813 bali => jkt @bridget
    • CNY 1361.70 for last night @bridget
  • activities
    • USD 340 for surfing @octave
    • CNY 239 for trekking @Carlos @octave
  • dining
    • TBD
  • other trasport
    • TBD


airport pickup ticket - kl00k sim card - kl00k mount batur trekking - kl00k atv - kl00k spa - TBD snorkeling - ticket or not? surf board rental - odyssey? where to eat? insurance gopro



Flight: HK T1 -> Jakarta CGK T2 CX777|333  05.00 起床 5.30打车接人6.00 到口岸 7.30 到机场 09:15 - 13:05 Jakarta -> Bali 15:20 - 18:25 $1204

Night - hang out...(TBD) Rock Bar


10:00 surfing lesson ALL DAY - Surfing Night - hang out


AM - Nusa Penida snorkeling

Ferry ? Fast boat can return at 13:00/14:00, half hour trip.

Cycling around penida or bali ?

PM - cycle/motor Night - Stay Bali South


07:00 - surfing lesson

ALL DAY - surfing

Night Head to / stay Ubud


2AM: Mountain sunrise trekking PM: explore Ubud NIght SPA/MASSAGE/HOt spring/yoga/meditation Night - Stay Ubud


AM: ATV @Ubud (TBD) Night - Stay Bali South (TBD)


Flight: Bali -> Jakarta 924 + 889 11:25 - 12.15 Jakarta CGK T2 -> HK T1 CX776|359  14:20 - 20:25


Where/How to rent MTB/MOTOR


10.1HKG - CGKCGK - BAliKUTA Classsic house
10.3penida - snorkelingcycle / motor
10.4surfsurfHarmony Villa
10.6Bali southCalos will stay in Ubud
10.714. CGK - HKG



wave & infos #kuta

surf guide



1,2,3 - south 4,5, ubud 6, south



Airbnb Messages

Messages with Host of Harmony Villa

Great thanks. We've just sent you a copy of our villa guide which will give you a great overview of the villa and all the local sights to see. It includes local restaurants to explore, tours our staff can arrange along with yoga and spa suggestions.

We have a wonderful staff on site who’ll be able to arrange all activities for you once you arrive at Harmony.

Best, Michael Today at 1:53 PM Okay, that would great, my email is

thanks Today at 1:44 PM Message from Octave Message from Michael

Yes it will be an adult bed. No worries. Send us your email address so we can send you the guide to help you plan your trip. Today at 12:31 PM Great THANKS! Excited to move there, just please make sure that the bed has enough space thanks, we are going trekking on the midnight so would be able to have a good sleep :) Today at 12:29 PM Message from Octave Message from Michael

Hi Octave, we’ll arrange the extra bed for the two nights and confirm.

Thanks so much for the reservation. Welcome to Harmony villas.

Here's a copy of your itinerary below.

Our onsite staff will meet you upon arrival, show you to your villa and provide you with keys, wifi password and the villa guide with suggestions on spas, local restaurants, tours we can arrange and local sight-seeing.

Villa Guide: We’d also like to send you our villa guide to help you plan your stay with us. Unfortunately Airbnb doesn't allow attachments through their email system, therefore if you could send us your email address we’ll be sure to send it to you. It provides a great overview of the villa, all the local sights to see and includes local restaurants to explore, tours our staff can arrange along with yoga and spa suggestions.

Check in: We have a very flexible check in policy and generally the villas will be ready for you by 2pm as our staff will need enough time to get it ready for you once previous guests have departed. You'll be welcome to relax by the pool if you arrive early and the villa is not quite ready for you. For any guests with late arrival times (please let us know your expected arrival time so we can inform our night time staff) who will let you into your villa, help order any food delivery requests from local restaurants and assist with ordering taxis. Day staff will complete the check in procedure in the morning.

Breakfast: Your stay includes a daily cooked breakfast prepared in your villa each morning between 8-11am of pancakes, omelettes, fresh fruit, tea and coffee. If you’d like to change breakfast times, please ensure you notify our villa manager at check in so we can accommodate you.

Local Tours, Scooter & Car Rental: Staff at the villa can arrange bicycle, scooter, car rental (with or without a driver) and local tours and sight seeing. Our drivers speak very good English are very good guides and they know the most beautiful places to visit in Bali!

Taxi Service There's also a taxi service right in our village to take you into town (about $5) just a few minutes away. Our staff will be happy to order a taxi for you.

Villa Dining: We can arrange lunch or dinner (traditional Indonesian) to be delivered to your villa and/or a private cooking class with our local chef Wayan Suriani. She is amazing, a wonderful cook and will give you a real Balinese gastronomic experience! It's one of our guests favorite experiences! You’ll spend time creating recipe’s passed down from generations and the preparation of each dish. Just let us know the day you'd like to schedule and we'll send you her menu items to choose from and schedule for you. (Please note in order to ensure availability please schedule at least one week in advance or simply ask our staff to arrange once you arrive at the villa).
There are also many choices for dining in Ubud town and plenty of restaurants that can deliver directly to your villa. You'll find a list of restaurant suggestions in your villa. The village main street is about 500 meters from the villa and there are local stores all within easy walking distance. There's a place for beer, water and snacks about 100 meters away and a large supermarket Coco (just 2km away and 5 minutes by taxi) so you can stock up with groceries for your villa.

Indonesian Hotel Tax - collected at check in: Please remember, guests are required to pay a 10% Indonesian hotel tax upon arrival at the villa (unless prepaid). At check in staff will ask you for your passport and the villa tax due. This amount is based on the cost of the room rate only and is payable in US$ or Indonesian Rupiah. If you have any extras from meals or services provided during your stay, staff will collect at check out.

Airport Pick Up: We can also arrange airport pick up for you if required. All we need is the airline, flight number and arrival time. The cost is 350,000rp (about $27) which you would pay on arrival at the villa to our villa staff. If required, please let us know as soon as possible (preferably at least one week in advance) so we can schedule ahead of time with our staff. The driver will meet you in the arrival hall (International terminal unless you confirm otherwise) with a sign and your name/Harmony for pick up.

Directions to the Villa: You'll find specific directions to the villa (from the airport and Ubud) in your itinerary confirmation. Our exact address is also listed below. All taxi drivers will be familiar with our location as we are located just off Lodtunduh on the following route north - Banjar Abiansemal, Lodtunduh. Most taxi drivers also know the location of the T House development next door to Bali Harmony Villas and thus the general area.

Bali Harmony Villas Jalan Lodtunduh 1, Br. Abiansemal, Kaja Kauh, Lodtunduh, Ubud, Bali 80571 Villa Manager Contact Phone #: +62(0)81558488304

*Please note we do also suggest that all guests travelling to Bali are covered with by their local travel insurance policy incase of any unexpected delays or unforeseen acts of nature.

We have a wonderful staff onsite each day who'll take great care of you. Please let them know if there's anything you need during your stay and they'll be more than happy to arrange.

Have a wonderful stay at the villa.

Best regards, Michael and the Harmony Staff Villa Manager Ibu Wayan Phone #: +62(0)81558488304 Today at 12:27 PM BOOKING CONFIRMED TODAY AT 12:26 PM Message from Michael

Ok the extra cost ( we have to get the bed from our rental service ) is $30 per night including breakfast and it can be paid at the villa. Would you like us to order it? Today at 12:18 PM Oh, and it would be for both night. Today at 12:16 PM Message from Octave Thanks that would be really nice of you! Today at 12:14 PM Message from Octave READY TO BOOK TODAY AT 12:13 PM Message from Michael

Hi Octave, thanks for the reservation request. The villa is really nice. We can provide an extra bed and extra breakfast for the 23 year old for a small fee which you would pay at the villa. Would it be for one night or both?

I’ve approved the booking inquiry so you can complete the reservation. Please let me know if you have any other questions I can help you with. Best Michael Today at 12:13 PM INQUIRY SENT TODAY AT 12:09 PM Hello, We are going to ubud this October 10.4-10.6 and your place looks great for stay, just one question: we actually have 5 people and we don't know if there's one extra bed or matress or sofa suitable for a 23-year-old boy to stay the night? Thanks :)

Messages with Host of `Kedonganan Beach Villas`

Please also keep our address and Google maps link handy for your information while staying in our villa:

Jalan Segara Wangi No 33 KBV - Kedonganan Beach Villas Jimbaran , Bali

Our street is directly across the JUKUNG Seafood Restaurant and nearby the Sari Segara Resort. Once you turn into Jalan Segara Wangi, you will see a large empty parking lot right before our gated complex on the right-hand side of the street.

The Google Maps Link:,115.170433 Today at 7:35 AM Message from Jp

Here are some recommended restaurants. Please note that there are also many bbq seafood restaurants just in front of our complex on Jimbaran Bay.


Nearby in Jimbaran:

AKUA di Bilbao


ABOVE ELEVEN at Samasta Village Jimbaran

Sundara Beach Club at Four Seasons Resort



Uluwatu area:

DUGONG Restaurant at Suarga Padang Padang

EL KABRON Today at 7:28 AM Message from Jp

Hi Octave,

I would like to check if you require airport transport on Saturday 6th October?

Just a reminder that check-in is at 3 pm but we can store your luggage in our office until the villa is ready for you.

If you would like to have lunch before check-in there is a very good Spanish restaurant just 10 minutes walking distance from our villa.

Please send our host Andy a WhatsApp message at +62 822 6333 3332 or WE CHAT ID: AndyRezandi1 prior to your arrival date so he can coordinate the time to meet you and store your luggage if need be.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Best regards, JP Today at 7:27 AM Message from Jp

Hi Octave,

Thank you for confirming your reservation!

If you would like airport transfer I would be happy to arrange, the cost is USD 12 (IDR 150,000).

Please advise your full flight details:

Airlines Flight number Arrival time Departure city

our driver will have a signboard with your name and wait for you outside the arrival hall.

I would encourage we arrange transfer as our driver will know our location and you avoid over priced transportation offered at the airport.

If you prefer to arrange yourself, no worries and we will await your arrival for check-in at 3pm. Please message us once you arrive so we can meet you for check-in at villa.

Please note Host whatsapp mobile 62 822 6333 3332 so you can reach us anytime during your stay. Please feel free to also email me anytime if you have any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you.

Best regards, JP Sep 7, 2018 Message from Jp


Dear Guests,

We would like to take a quick moment to thank you for choosing to stay with us. Your complete comfort is our goal. Anything we can do to serve you better during our stay, please do not hesitate to let us know.

This is a privately-owned property we would like you to have the same respect as in your own home.

• Check-out time is before 12:00. Late departure is subject to availability. • When checking out of the Villa, please be sure to not bring with you any key and return the villa key to your host. • Housekeeping is every-second day and linen and towels change every 4th day. Pool and garden maintenance is every day. • Please cooperate with economies of electricity and water for the preservation of natural resources. • Do not keep the AC on if you are not in the villa. • Silence is obligatory in the Villa from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am on the next day. The Guest’s behavior should not disturb the peace of other guests. • Please make sure to lock doors when leaving the villa during your stay. • The guests keep the villa key. Any damage and loss will be subject to a fine. • Persons other than those registered guests are strictly prohibited from staying at the villa. • Safety deposit boxes for money and valuables are available free fo charge in each bedroom. Kedonganan Beach Villas will not be liable for the loss or theft of money or valuables. • Guests are held responsible for any damage done to the furniture/decoration or other facilities inside the villas. The Guest is obliged to pay on demand the amount required to make good any such damage. • Please do not take away villa items as souvenirs. Otherwise, the charge will be added onto your bill. • Please refrain from any acts that could cause a fire in the villa. • Children cannot stay unattended at the villas. • Please do not bring illegal drugs or other articles, the possession of which is prohibited by the laws of Indonesia. • The wifi works great throughout the villa. Please note : The Login: KBV 3007 and Password : Ravamaal62


Every foreign national staying in private homes and rented accommodation in Bali must be reported to immigration authorities. A report detailing the personal data of the foreign guest (copy of passport) must be provided to the Immigration Office within 24 hours after the visitor checks-in at any form of accommodation in Bali. This requirement by law is done to facilitate the local authority if anything happens to our guests or there are unwanted incidents during their stay at the villa. The Villa Manager will ask for copy of guest passports once you settle down at the villa and will do it on your behalf. Sep 7, 2018

Messages with Host of `Kuta Classic House Bali`

Hello Octave, I Tutde . Thank you for choosing our place to holiday in bali you. if you need an address can search on google maps "Kuta Classic House Bali" . Thank you Aug 29, 2018 · Tutde

DateDescriptionCostYou paidYour shareBalance
Oct 03GrabIDR20000.00IDR20000.00IDR4000.00you lent IDR16000.00
Oct 03Warung sunsetIDR1347000.00IDR1347000.00IDR269400.00you lent IDR1077600.00
Oct 03PhamercyIDR87000.00IDR87000.00IDR21750.00you lent IDR65250.00
Oct 03MinimartIDR20000.00IDR20000.00IDR5000.00you lent IDR15000.00
Oct 03Xiao du dian fuIDR60000.00IDR60000.00IDR15000.00you lent IDR45000.00
Oct 03PepsiIDR21000.00IDR21000.00IDR5250.00you lent IDR15750.00
Oct 03MartIDR80000.00IDR80000.00IDR20000.00you lent IDR60000.00
Oct 03GrabIDR80000.00IDR80000.00IDR20000.00you lent IDR60000.00
Oct 03WaterIDR8000.00IDR8000.00IDR1600.00you lent IDR6400.00
Oct 03Eat penifaIDR250000.00IDR250000.00IDR50000.00you lent IDR200000.00
Oct 03SnorkelingIDR1250000.00IDR1250000.00IDR250000.00you lent IDR1000000.00
Oct 03Fast boatIDR1600000.00IDR1600000.00IDR400000.00you lent IDR1200000.00
Oct 03BreakfastIDR251500.00IDR251500.00IDR62875.00you lent IDR188625.00
Oct 03TaxiIDR80000.00IDR80000.00IDR16000.00you lent IDR64000.00
Oct 03ConditionerIDR48500.00IDR48500.00IDR0.00you lent IDR48500.00
Oct 03BeerIDR42000.00IDR42000.00IDR10500.00you lent IDR31500.00
Oct 03SkirtsIDR374000.00IDR374000.00IDR124666.67you lent IDR249333.33
Oct 03DinnerIDR693000.00IDR693000.00IDR138600.00you lent IDR554400.00
Oct 03Yin liao before surfIDR101600.00IDR101600.00IDR20320.00you lent IDR81280.00
Oct 03FipperIDR90000.00IDR90000.00IDR90000.00no balance
Oct 03TacosIDR300000.00IDR300000.00IDR75000.00you lent IDR225000.00
Oct 03Sun burn sprayIDR304000.00IDR304000.00IDR76000.00you lent IDR228000.00
Oct 03Breakfat paofanIDR155100.00IDR155100.00IDR51700.00you lent IDR103400.00
Oct 03Pao fuIDR46000.00IDR46000.00IDR15333.33you lent IDR30666.67
Oct 03Water jarkata airportIDR27000.00IDR27000.00IDR9000.00you lent IDR18000.00
Oct 03Ya gaoIDR18000.00IDR18000.00IDR6000.00you lent IDR12000.00
Oct 03Bluebirlld 2 JakartaIDR100000.00IDR100000.00IDR33333.33you lent IDR66666.67
Oct 04Zao canIDR73000.00IDR73000.00IDR24333.33you lent IDR48666.67
Oct 04GrabIDR12000.00IDR12000.00IDR2400.00you lent IDR9600.00
Oct 04Photos for surfingIDR275000.00IDR275000.00IDR55000.00you lent IDR220000.00
Oct 04GrabIDR32000.00IDR32000.00IDR8000.00you lent IDR24000.00
Oct 04DippioIDR11000.00IDR11000.00IDR2750.00you lent IDR8250.00
Oct 04FuelIDR30000.00IDR30000.00IDR6000.00you lent IDR24000.00
Oct 04GasIDR50000.00IDR50000.00IDR10000.00you lent IDR40000.00
Oct 04CocoIDR25000.00IDR25000.00IDR5000.00you lent IDR20000.00
Oct 04TaxiIDR136000.00IDR136000.00IDR34000.00you lent IDR102000.00
Oct 04DinnerIDR635900.00IDR635900.00IDR127180.00you lent IDR508720.00


