Vokinloksar33 January 01, 1999 #book #learning20180630 19:48:03 节序同风录/ (清)孔尚任[著]
20180624 10:45:30 那些忧伤的年轻人/ 许知远著
20180624 10:45:18 活着/ 余华著
20180622 21:32:46 命运攸关的抉择 : 1940-1941年间改变世界的十个决策 = Fateful choices : ten decisions that changed the world/ (英)伊恩·克肖(Ian Kershaw);顾剑译
20180604 13:24:14 现实不似你所见 : 量子引力之旅/ (意)卡洛·罗韦利著;杨光译
20180309 20:18:10 The craft of the cocktail : : everything you need to know to be a master bartender, with 500 recipes / /Dale DeGroff ; with photographs by George Erml.
20180309 19:56:54 地理学与生活 = Introduction to geography : 全彩插图版/ (美)阿瑟·格蒂斯(Arthur Getis),(美)朱迪丝·格蒂斯(Judith Getis),(美)杰尔姆·D.费尔曼(Jerome D. Fellmann)著;黄润华,韩慕康,孙颖译
20180203 14:54:40 How to boil an egg :@bpoach one, scramble one, fry one, bake one, steam one / /by Rose Carrarini.
20170114 15:24:26 Every grain of rice : : simple Chinese home cooking / /Fuchsia Dunlop ; photography by Chris Terry.
20161120 12:48:25 译边草/ 周克希著
20161120 12:47:08 王家大道 = La voie royale/ (法)安德烈·马尔罗(Andre Malraux)[著];周克希译
20161022 11:22:09 实用Common Lisp编程 = Practical common lisp/ (美)Peter Seibel著;田春译
20160828 15:15:52 Python学习手册 : 第三版/ Mark Lutz著;候靖等译
20160828 13:46:27 实用Common Lisp编程 = Practical common lisp/ (美)Peter Seibel著;田春译
20160731 10:55:48 卓有成效的程序员 = The Productive Programmer : 影印版/ (美)Neal Ford著
20160724 10:32:09 The human body / /Steve Parker ; foreword by Professor Robert Winston.
20160724 10:10:51 复杂性思考/ Allen B. Downey著;张龙译
20160724 10:07:26 计算机网络——自顶向下方法 : 第四版 影印版 = COMPUTER NETWORKING:A Top-Down Approach(Fourth Edition)/ James F.Kurose,Keith W.Ross著
20160625 19:13:26 Unix & Linux大学教程/ (美)Harley Hahn著;张杰良译
20160625 19:13:25 编写可维护的JavaScript/ (美)Nicholas C. Zakas著;李晶,郭凯,张散集译
20160618 18:17:49 The book of symbols : : reflections on archetypal images / /editor-in-chief, Ami Ronnberg ; editor, Kathleen Martin.
20160524 19:44:09 Node学习指南/ (美)Shelley Powers著;夏思雨,高亮译
20160524 19:43:25 Node即学即用 = Node: up and running, scalable server-side code with JavaScript/ (英)Tom Hughes-Croucher,(英)Mike Wilson著;郑达韡译
20160522 14:19:55 My view of the world / /by Erwin Schrödinger ; translated from the German by Cecily Hastings.
20160402 12:12:33 JavaScript:优良的部分 : 影印版 = JavaScript Good Parts/ Douglas Crockford[著]
20160326 09:47:24 HTML之路 : XHTML & CSS最佳实践指南 = HTML Dog : the best-practice guide to XHTML & CSS/ (美)Patrick Griffiths著;雷钧钧,常可等译
20160320 16:36:31 Java语言导学 : 英文版/ (美)Sharon Zakhour...[等]著
20160316 18:10:20 追寻逝去的时光 . 第五卷 : 女囚/ (法)马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)著;周克希译
20160312 12:21:39 Java TM教程 = The Java tm tutorial:a short course on the basics/ (美)Sharn Zakhour[等]著;马朝晖[等]译
20160312 12:21:38 Java语言导学 : 英文版/ (美)Sharon Zakhour...[等]著