Vokinloksar33 January 24, 2021 #drumI wanted to learn drum soon after I bought the HD650 headphones. I learned about a drum school from a colleague where they can provide drum rooms for practice, then I started my first drum lesson at 11.11 2019.
- It sensed to me that there's something marvelous that you can change some action as simple as hitting one strike into something that as subtle and complicated and powerful and emotional as drumming
- The progression of starting from taking a good single stroke into something way complicated implicates some kinds of crafsmanship to me
- And this progress really feels like concentration or meditation that you will only focus your mind on one simple thing
- geek
- 8th note shuffle sticket technique
- coordintion practice should enable to 150 bpm
- bass drum normal gesture should enable 100 bpm
- need 230 bpm single stroke for 140 bpm six-tuplets across the kit
- full pedel for the linear part I really spent a lot of time to practise this one
- the unison transformation to triplets with bass drum. It seems I'm always hurry on the part where I need to move my right hand from floor tom to snare.
- the final emphisized last three note before the groove, the timing may not be right
- the fill with double bass drum kick
- the hi-hat shuffle.
- the fill where there's a diddle in the triplet.
- the rim-shot / ghost note sounding.
- the develop where Liangxin instructed
- the 137 bpm sextuplets.
- accent control
- the open hi-hat at the third page top, in between the shuffle
- the ending where I need to move to floor tom then move back to snare for unison and ending .
- geek
RSL grade 5
- tiberius
- 通鼓声音平均,注意发力
- 快bpm稳定性
- 金属音色
- geek
- 通鼓加重通过改变手腕力量和角度, 不要用手臂
- 三连音低鼓稳定
- swing 镲片的敲击方式
- 先 down stroke on the side
- then tap no the top
- 140 bpm double stroke on the triplets
- 用指跳,不要塌手腕
- 三连音可以加重第一个音符
- rollin'
- blues rock 重音变换
- S.D
- H.H
- B.D
- 装饰音
- blues rock 重音变换
- tiberius
RSL grade 4
- the nod
- hip-hop machine-like feel
- 16th-note grooves and fills
- cross sitck
- position
- sound texture
- rim shot
- positoin
- sound texture
- noisy neiboghourhood
- accents & stroke power control
- fast kit movement (135 bpm)
- fast 16th notes vairations
- attitude
- hammerbrew - metal
- 32th double stroke fill (60bpm => 110 bpm)
- dotted note tempo
- simple 16th note linear fill (110bpm)
- single stroke roll & accents
- the nod
2021-aug-22 - hammerbrew
- dotted note time signature not steady
- accents and downstroke practise
- weak left hand practice
- 16th-note on the snare should be powerful
old bones blues
ride 敲击的时候鼓棒没有一直集中在一个位置,tap 和 down stroken 敲击的位置移来移去
时值: 爵士八分不稳定,两个 shuffle beat 之前停留的时间不够
crecendo 的轻重
爵士八分double kick 不稳定
- 敲击 ride 的时候可以用 american grip 或者 french grip
补充 develop
maiden voyage
key points
- 16 分音符右手的轻重音
- 16 分音符转移到军鼓时需要有一个抬棒动作(右手是一个stroke & 一个 tap)
- 轻重
- 这里军鼓和三通正常轻重,要突出二通一通
- 这里第二个fill有一个
是由两个 三连音组成的, 第一下的一通要重音