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How much will Snowboarding cost for a lifetime?

Vokinloksar33 July 23, 2019 #personal #idea

I just got to know the word HeliSki this week and was so thrilled by it. HeliSki simply means to take you ski using a helicopter so that you can go to the most extrodinary places on this planet, and it cost about $10k per trip(5days).

And I thought to myself: emm... that's not too much.

But that trip is not the sole expense of this elegant sport, you will probobly go to a lot of trips and buy myraids of boards before that. So how much would all that combined cost you for the love of this sport?


Say I want to spend 15 days at least per year. Most places for ski is quite expensive to stay. If the average price is $300 per day, thats around $5000 per year If I ended up spending 10 years on snowboarding, that would be a total $50K.


Boards $500 per. plus bindings and shoes and maybe accessories. that's almost $1000 per set, and say I can have 5 ~ 7 sets in my life, thats' $5k in total.


If that's on the bucket list, that would be some extra $20k


So in total that would be near $80k spent on snowboarding for a life time.