The blog promised

Marker Language

Vokinloksar33 September 11, 2018 #tech #knowledge-management #todo

I've been using some different marker languages like HTML, Markdown, ReST

I like markdown, but I think for a informative, stuctured content, markdown lacks some advanced yet important feature.

And another problem of markdown is that the implentations vary with the platform.

I know there are some extensions/plugins/platforms that implements advanced feature but I don't know much yet.

I've been trying to understand deeply about the rules of md and the best-practices of it.

But from a point of knowledge-management[1] view, there's more to understand


I think I should make some tutorial if I have a great handful knowledge of it. #todo

like there should always be uniformed icon/abbr for meta data ie where/when/whattag etc

[Using <details> in GitHub](Using
in GitHub)

  1. what's the termiology of it?