After some attempts at trying to reach a more wide range of minds on the planet, I gradually believe that learning multiple languages is really import… ...more
This is a wonderful APP! I've used it for a while now, may add something after some more time. Slowly ...more
I've been tring to use other IM apps these days, some are not actually IM(like Slowly). I don't like Wechat as a IM app for these reasons(this list ma… ...more
I wrote a letter to SCMP today in hope of they could improve their typesetting. There's no responce from SCMP yet. Hello I am a normal SCMP reader f… ...more
There's so much to feel about for a man who love knifes. Once I feel that if the cut is not smooth enough, you will simply ruin the food and even make… ...more
Just found a fabulous website for creating and sharing own playlist across the world with powerful features like all-range platform integration suppor… ...more
Tunein is my new favourate now. It's the good-old-radio for those who get tired of all that music player stuff. The interface is simple and friendly … ...more
Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions That Changed the World, 1940-1941 命运攸关的抉择 本书主要关注的点在于决策: 作出决策的负责人当时受到了哪些影响 政府官僚机构再多大程度上实现就已经决定了答案/角色多大程度上受到统治精英阶层内部的各个派… ...more
What happens in a day? what makes you feel good? what happened? what did YOU do? what's troubling you? Timeline 20220517 Today I did waste some time… ...more
The Economy nominal GDP 2.3 Basic concepts: Prices, costs, and innovation rents Ceteris paribus and simplification incentives relative prices Reserva… ...more