updates 2019-02-28 23:14:47 +0800 The bike is a BTWIN 520 The tires are runing too slipery, and it's feeling like snowblade that I'm riding on. I ma… ...more
Background: This is a company outing @Xiao jing wan @Hui zhou @Ai mei hotel In case to keep up with the blog, I should always write something? I ju… ...more
Normally, it takes about months to realize a promise for me. Gratefully, they always do. So here is the blog promised. And finally, some place to star… ...more
I've been to Taiwan this May I should write something about it. 台北 Anpu 炼雲 @小巨蛋 文化大学 台南(安平) 光头模寮創傷料理 林百货 垦丁(恒春) 包租婆機車電動車Scooter Rent Rainbow W… ...more
Reivew of a MiiR bag ...more
This is the archive of the git talk I gave at a share session at Klook. Goal: solve more problem, increase efficiency. avoid error. knowing wha… ...more
20180630 19:48:03 节序同风录/ (清)孔尚任[著] 20180624 10:45:30 那些忧伤的年轻人/ 许知远著 20180624 10:45:18 活着/ 余华著 20180622 21:32:46 命运攸关的抉择 : 1940-1941年间改变世界的十个决策 = Fatef… ...more
I've been fasinated by knotting technics thesedays. Very useful life hacks to remember Animated Knots Overhand knot Form a loop and pass the end t… ...more
I like gears, and I am cuorious about the reasons behind those innovative companies. So I'll mark the reasons why they start their company here. Sitk… ...more
{:toc} I want to learn swimming, better make a sketch for it. breaststroke stroke kick body position breath freestyle stroke kick body… ...more