Ride Shenzhen
Vokinloksar33 January 21, 2019 #personal #travel2019-01-29 23:48:18 +0800
I've ride some times now, and it's truly a different persepective for viewing this city that I lived in, I found sooo many interesting things & buildings and get to know this city better than all these years combined. The riding pace is just enough to make the city a fluid picture for you to enjoy. And it simply make every corner far more easily reachable. Lovin'it
I've been living in this place for almost three years now. And actually I haven't been to many places, which, if looking back someday in the future, may make me regret? And since biking around is always fun and achievable. Then maybe I'm gonna try to check out as many places as I can.
This list is generated using Meituan's region categorize, this may not be accurate but let us start here.
And I also want to build a map with all the routes I've travelled to keep a note somewhere. But I can't find any yet. Maybe(should) I'll try use some API / geocode / mapbox tools and stuff to keep a record
- 香蜜湖
- 梅林
- 上沙/下沙
- 华强南
- 八卦岭/园岭
- 华强北
- 皇岗/水围
- 新城市广场
- 车公庙
- 景田
- 新洲/石厦
- 竹子林
- 市民中心
- 会展中心
- 岗厦
- 福田保税区
- 国贸
- 莲塘
- 笋岗
- 翠竹路沿线
- 东门
- 宝安南路沿线
- 火车站
- 万象城
- 喜荟城/水库
- 地王大厦
- 黄贝岭
- 春风万佳/文锦渡
- 布心/太白路
- 田贝/水贝
- 银湖/泥岗
- 新秀/罗芳
- 梧桐山
- KK mall
- 南头
- 华侨城
- 蛇口
- 南油
- 科技园
- 西丽
- 南山中心区
- 海岸城/保利
- 前海
- 白石洲
- 欢乐海岸
- 太古城
- 花园城
- 海上世界
- 世界之窗
- 南山京基百纳
- 深圳湾
- 新安
- 石岩
- 宝安中心区
- 港隆城
- 西乡
- 沙井
- 福永
- 松岗
- 公明
- 海雅缤纷城
- 固戍
- 桃源居
- 时代城
- 罗田/燕川
- 西田
- 圳美
- 田寮/长圳
- 沙井京基百纳
- 宝立方
- 宝安机场
- 光明新区
- 罗岗/求水山
- 五和/民营市场
- 平湖
- 横岗
- 南澳
- 南联
- 坪地
- 大运
- 李朗聚星商城
- 较场尾/大鹏所城
- 水头
- 东涌
- 万科广场/世贸
- 华南城/奥特莱斯
- 大芬/南岭
- 双龙
- 慢城/三联
- 布吉街/东站/天虹
- 天虹/坂田/杨美
- 岗头/万科/雪象
- 华为坂田基地
- 杨梅坑/桔钓沙
- 葵涌
- 官湖
- 西涌
- 坪山高铁站
- 龙岗中心城
- 龙华
- 民治
- 观澜
- 大浪
- 梅林关
- 锦绣江南
- 深圳北站
- 龙华新区
[1^]: This list is copied from Meituan, which may not reflect everything there is for SZ